• 0416 141 192
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm
  • 1/42 Essington St, Mitchell ACT 2911 (located in Sufi Autos & Tyres).


Please check this page as it may answer some questions about our Transmission services.

  • How often should I have my transmission serviced?

    The service routine recommended by transmission specialists, and Braddon Transmissions, for cars in normal use is every 20,000 kms.


  • Does it really matter where I take my car for service?

    Yes. Qualified mechanics are required to undergo continual training in the latest systems and proficient use of state-of-the-art equipment in order to test the electronics that control most cars' functions and to enable diagnosis and prognoses of complex problems. Equipment includes: electronic scopes to monitor sensor signals, scanners to communicate with the computers, etc.

    As well, a qualified mechanic has access to tech-info services to reference wiring diagrams, manufacturer's technical service bulletins and other data. Without these resources, a garage mechanic might easily misdiagnose your vehicle's problem at your expense.


  • What is preventive maintenance?

    The key to keeping your vehicle running smoothly now and in the future and to help save money on needless repairs is routine preventive maintenance. Yet many drivers tend to put off maintenance service.


  • How do I know if I have a transmission problem?

    The following symptoms may indicate that your vehicle's transmission requires service:

    • Check engine light is on
    • Low or leaking transmission fluid
    • Noise coming from the transmission
    • Transmission is slipping
    • Transmission failure
    • The vehicle does not move